miércoles, 17 de diciembre de 2014

What is Chulucanas Gym Projec?


Chulucanas Gym (CG) Project borns to improve physical and mental health of Morropon Province (Piura, Peru) youth by the practice of bodybuilding and fitness.

We are looking for youth to eventually realize  and acquire discipline of keeping themselves to be healthy. That way, we increase their performance and get tehm away behabiors those put their libes on risk, not reaching extremes like repression or long, achy treatments.

Keeping fit is not a mandatory fashion but a philosophy  that must break out from inside of us. As much as we self-motivate to superate goals and be better than yesterday, then we will see the benefit will come first to our beings, and eventually it  will enlarge to people around us  and our society.

It seems an ideal world but everyone practicing this sport knows that little steps get huge goals. It is exactly the same we  pretend to teach.

We are able to you for talking, questioning and looking for answers together. You can join us here, , our our YouTube Channel  (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCz4ePX-G8b6AMmC5Xa_gU2A) and our Facebook account (proyectogym@facebook.com)


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